Looking for a reasonably priced Laptop or PC? We can help. We specialise in refurbishing devices to our exacting high standards.

We mainly focus on selling enterprise grade devices. Why? Because they are reliable, long lasting and Robust. Our refurbished devices all run Windows 11 and are much newer than you may think.

Our Laptops and PC start at just £90. And the best part of this is we don’t sell rubbish. As a minimum our machines are 8th Intel Core i3, have at least a 256GB SSD and 8GB of RAM. These are facts you can’t take for granted on the high street.

Need a PC or Laptop for a Specific purpose? Get in touch and let us track down and refurbish your perfect device. Giving you that peace of mind.

All our devices come with at least 3 months warranty and technical support.

Get in touch and let us help you.


We are happy to help! Get in touch and let us see how we can help you.